One Important Aspect To Understand Before You Quit Smoking
Released on = August 25, 2006, 11:48 am
Press Release Author = Tony James
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = There are probably thousands of people who are smoking every single day, and also thousands of people who wants to give up smoking.
Press Release Body = There are probably thousands of people who are smoking every single day, and also thousands of people who wants to give up smoking. One of the aspect that you must know what makes a successful quitter and non-successful quitter is whether you are quitting the cigarettes for your own benefit or quitting the cigarettes just to please someone else. A lot of people try to quit smoking to make other people happy. For example they will try to quit to stop their spouse from nagging at them or them or the society and environment have made smoking an indecent act. Their kids will persuade them to quit, and they'll stop smoking in front of their kids but behind their back. In this case, one can never be successful in quitting the cigarettes. Keep in mind that quitting cigarettes for your love ones because you care about them and their health is totally different from quitting cigarettes to shut them up or due to peer pressure. Because as soon as problems start to arise or they have a misunderstanding with their love ones, they will smoke again. The only reason why you can quit smoking successfully is when you decided to do it for yourself. This does not mean it benefits yourself only. Quitting smoking for yourself also means brining the maximum greater health and lifestyle benefits to yourself and your love ones. You must truly quit smoking for your own health benefit. You will reduce your chances from of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, throat cancer, lung cancer, and emphysema, heart attack and other types of cancer. By quitting you will also gain more energy and need to sleep less. Other than health benefit, smoking can also affect your exterior of your body. For example, you will cigarette odor that remains and is hard to go away. Your finger and teeth will turn yellow. Your sense of taste will deteriorate. Smoking will rob away your youth and your radiance of your skin. Skin becomes to wrinkle faster causing you to age as chemicals exhaust vitamins in your body. Regardless of whatever the benefit of not smoking out weights the benefits of smoking. In fact, there are no benefits of smoking except to just satisfy the nicotine addiction and a psychology escape to "release stress" which is also not true.
Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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